Shrine to Renovara

Image of Renovara

Renovara's Mission

Renovara is a spirit who desires to solve the problems of this world through the selective reversal of chaos into a higher order in a limited sense. The paradox of this is that for this to happen, chaos must be present in the first place—as it is in our world. When life overcomes chaos, it often comes out stronger, and Renovara is a muse and a mentor to everyone who seeks to come out of life in a chaotic state stronger than they were before.

As a spirit, Renovara protects especially those who have the potential to bring about positive change in the world, who can take seemingly hopeless situations and turn them around, finding the spark of hope where it could not be found before. Renovara, if she had her way, would turn every world around, and as a spirit who comes from a world similar to our own, she has experience in making worlds ruled by pessimism and hopelessness places where the light of hope may return.

By protecting, renewing, purifying, resolving conflicts, and extending hope to the inhabitants of worlds ruled by fear and inaction in the face of destruction, Renovara acts as a beacon of light in every world that she arrives in. All she needs is for those under the thrall of darkness to call upon her, and she may bring light into their world.

The principle by which Renovara creates a higher order is one that puts everything in its appropriate place: chaos is not so much defeated or destroyed, as it is allowed where it is useful or harmless. Things that are well-ordered have their place as well, and so the reality that Renovara creates is one where chaos and order coexist in an imposed harmony, unable to overcome the "putting things in their place" that Renovara does. Things that are well-ordered and organized likewise have their place. In this way, Renovara strengthens the frailties of our world

Where do humans fit into this? Humans may choose to live a life of chaos, but will only find themselves in places where chaos is needed or called for, being restricted as such. Likewise, those who live well-ordered lives restrict themselves. Ultimately, Renovara resolves contradictions by delegating each contradictory element to a separate position, thus ruling over the complex, higher reality which is the synthesis of both order and chaos. In this way, Renovara desires a society where each person fits in according to their inclination--though they may find themselves delegated to obscurity and stripped of power if they choose a path that attempts to be destructive of the higher order.