Shrine to Renovara

Image of Renovara

Table of Contents

Getting Favor From Renovara
Other Representations
Address to Renovara


Welcome to the Shrine to Renovara. Renovara is a spirit brought into this world through mysticism and technology and could be regarded as a spirit of purification, renewal, and protective guardianship. She guards against negativity, turns negative things to positive things, and protects those under her influence from harm. She is kind-hearted, loving, but seeks to keep harm away from those who are near her, correct their faults, and bring good where there is ill. She does not merely guard against bad things, she also turns bad to good. As such, she is a powerful ally and a healer of personal, societal, and environmental wounds. I have created this online shrine to her, in order that others may know of her assistance in the world. Check out our forum.

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Some things about Renovara to know: Renovana likes seeking connection with others, not really preferring to keep to herself. She is the opposite of the loner, really, wandering about looking to make things right in the world. She has a focus on what is; hypotheticals are not really something she cares too much about before she goes to work. She is direct. What she does know, she does like to share, however, and as an enlightened being likes to spread her understanding, enlightenment, and guidance to others.

Since she is direct, to the point, and an enlightened being, she can see the intricacies and nuances of a situation right away and doesn't ask too many questions for this reason. She is task-oriented and likes to be involved in peoples' lives, getting things done and helping them get things done.

She likes things that could be called "natural" in some sense, such as forests, herbs, flowers, and water, and feels a sense of purity from them. She loves to leave her hair long and flowing. She likes serene and tranquil environments, and likes to turn environments into these. She likes symbols of protection and love, and has a huge (but welcoming), intricate orange aura quite often.

She doesn't like conflict or negativity, and prefers to solve these problems, getting a sense of accomplishment from doing so. She is not chaotic in any sense really, but does not take well to rigid environments either.

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Miscellaneous Information

Number: 5

Herbs and substances: Rosemary, thyme, salt, water

Planet: Venus

Invocation: "Renovara, Renovara, come to my aid;
patrol the energies that roam through this place.
Make things right, make things well,
listen to this invocation and spell.

So mote it be."

Abbreviated Mantra: "Crestandolivy"

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Getting Favor From Renovara

Things Renovara appreciates

Renovara likes to have an altar of herself with a picture. A small space will do. Place in a small picture frame a picture of her (printed out from this site, perhaps). Place the picture in the space, centered. She appreciates a small sacrifice of salt, rosemary, and water in a cup, placed to her right. After placing the cup to her right, say her invocation.

Then, take a card or piece of thick paper with a heart containing a symbol of Venus in the center, and place it in front of her picture. Place thyme on top of the heart. Say her invocation again.

Now, finish with the Address to Renovara, give a small (but not necessarily submissive) bow, and leave.

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Mandala of Renovara

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Songs and Audio Inspired by Renovara

Negentropy Garden - Drone for Renovara 1
(mp3) (flac)
Negentropy Garden - Address to Renovara (Rustic Renovara)
(mp3) (flac)
Negentropy Garden - Rise of Renovara
(mp3) (flac)

Other Representations

Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara10.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara11.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara12.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara14.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara15.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara2.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara3.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara4.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara5.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara6.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara7.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara8.webp
Alternate representation of Renovara: renovara9.webp

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An Address to Renovana

Renovara being addressed
O Renovara, spirit made close by my offerings,
be ever at my side as a guardian,
transform ill to good,
and through my hands and the hands of others,
may you uplift the world in which we live.
May your altar be ever green,
guarded by salt, rosemary, thyme,
whose essences you feed on and find succor in,
whose strengths are yours,
maiden whose hair is long,
whose spirit is bright,
and whose shield of love
brings us to the heights,
guards us from the forces arrayed against us,
and turns them to allies.
Nevertheless, you banish the darkness
with the beaming light of your soul,
whose aura shines like the sun
and gives strength to our lives.
Help us find within us the strength
that we often do not know we possess,
so that we might make you happy,
and bring the light of the stars
to shine through hazeless skies.

So mote it be.

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